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Oxygen Enrichment System for Cement and Lime Producers

Improved performance that can help lower your overall costs

Oxygen enrichment is a flexible, efficient, cost-effective technology that can help improve your operation's profitability. With minimal capital investment, you can increase production and use of alternative and waste fuels, decrease emissions, and improve overall kiln efficiency. Since alternative fuels can be harder to burn and less consistent than traditional fuels, they can limit kiln operations and capacity. Our oxygen combustion technologies allow alternative fuels to burn more efficiently and at higher temperatures, enabling you to increase alternative fuel substitution to help reduce operating costs and meet sustainability targets.

Download Cement and Lime brochure

  • Extensive experience with all types of kilns
  • Low installation costs
  • Proprietary technology for oxygen injection
  • Can be installed in various pyroprocessing zones
  • On-site specialists provide technical assistance during start-up
  • Ongoing technical support after installation


  • Increase production by 5% to 30%
  • Increase use of alternative fuels by 30% to 80%
  • Reduce emissions
  • Improve kiln stability and recovery from upsets
  • Reduce specific fuel consumption
  • Attain more consistent product quality
  • Avoid costs of capacity additions or debottlenecking

Decades of experience in the cement and lime industries

Let Air Products combustion specialists help you improve performance and lower cost.

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Ask the Expert

Russell Hewertson

Americas Commercial Technology Manager

“Is there a solution to help me increase production when my ID fan is maxed out?”
Adding oxygen to the kiln or precalciner can increase energy to the kiln, enabling 10-20% increased production with very low capital costs. Upsets are more easily avoided and recovery from upsets is significantly quicker--meaning more product on spec.

Lime plant optimized kiln performance with oxygen enrichment

A lime manufacturer's throughput decreased after switching to alternatives fuels. Read how we helped restore the performance they had prior to switching.


The Advanced Clean Energy Laboratory is our newest demonstration facility, capable of facilitating development and full-scale testing of combustion systems using actual customer fuels. Plus a remote video imaging system enables real-time participation in testing via the Internet.

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