
我们 'Fit and Forget' 系统
- 节省时间 - 无需再处理或更换钢瓶 - 特别是在生产高峰期间
- 节省成本——只需为您使用的二氧化碳气体付费
- 节省空间——储罐可以方便地放置以减轻占地空间
- 高枕无忧——我们的气体管理系统会自动安排送货,为您省去追逐订单或等待交货的烦恼
- 空气产品公司负责您的气体订单规划、履行和交付后,在持续可靠的供应同时也可以减少运输次数和碳足迹

Related Industries
We have provided information most relevant to you within this industry section, but you may find information in other related industries of interest as well. The attached list is provided as a convenience for you or you can click on “Industries” in the top navigation for a full listing.
Carbon Dioxide
Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.
The traditional solution for low volume gas supply. Cylinders can be supplied in a full range of sizes from 10 to 50 liters, pressures and gas purities for a wide range of gases and gas mixtures. For larger volumes, manifolded cylinder packs are available.
An inert gas for cryogenic, heat transfer, shielding, leak detection, analytical and lifting applications
CryoEase® Microbulk Solutions
A convenient and cost-effective solution for larger operations. CryoEase® tanks are available in a range of sizes. The CryoEase® service simplifies your gas supply by eliminating the need to handle cylinders, stock taking and ordering.